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Veganism is an increasingly popular ideology and way of life that completely refrains from consuming products of animal origin. Vegans often also choose not to wear leather clothing and not to use beauty products that contain animal substances. Vegans should therefore always pay close attention to whether inactive animal ingredients have been processed in products, such as beef gelatin, chondroitin sulphate or certain E numbers. The products on this page from Ergomax are completely free of animal additives and are therefore suitable for vegans. MegaFood even has an entire line that has been specially composed for vegans.

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Ideology of plant-based eating

Besides being a relatively strict diet, veganism is also a lifestyle that is completely against any form of exploitation of animals. This includes not only the consumption of animals, but also the products derived from animals are rejected. Furthermore, vegans are against shows and other forms of entertainment with animals and against research tests that use animals. Furthermore, vegans choose as much as possible for clothing and accessories that are not made of wool, leather, skin or horn of animals, just as they avoid the use of medicines and make-up that has been tested on animals. The most important pillar on which veganism is based is compassion for animals and nature. It is a conscious choice for vegans to no longer want to be part of an industry that exploits animals and the earth and to want to contribute to the emancipation of animals. Veganism even existed in the time of the Greeks and Romans. For example, the mathematician Pythagoras, like some other scientists of that time, found it unhealthy, barbaric and even dangerous to eat meat. Until the 19th century, vegans in Europe were sometimes called Pythagoreans.

What are the differences between veganism and vegetarianism?

Although there are clear differences between the two lifestyles, the two are still often confused by some people. A vegetarian chooses not to eat the meat of animals, but can eat animal products, such as eggs, milk, cheese, yoghurt and other dairy products. Moreover, vegetarianism usually does not go much further than adjusting eating habits and although many vegetarians choose this lifestyle out of compassion for animals, there will also be those who do it purely for health reasons. Veganism is different. This lifestyle goes further than just nutrition. A vegan is always someone who consciously chooses this lifestyle out of compassion for animals and who adjusts his lifestyle as much as possible to avoid the exploitation of animals. Of course, there can also be religious reasons for not consuming animals. In particular, in religious beliefs that are based on the theory of reincarnation, adherents often eat vegetarian or vegan.

What nutrients does a vegan need?

It is often thought that vegans do not get enough nutrients and that it is an unhealthy lifestyle. However, it is not at all true that a vegan lifestyle is poorer in nutrients by definition. On the contrary! Most vegans are very conscious of their diet and often have a very rich nutritional intake. After all, someone who is vegan must be involved in the food preparation process to ensure that no animal ingredients have been added, an involvement that often leads to a healthier food intake. A vegan diet is based on proteins of vegetable origin, such as chickpeas, lentils, beans and quinoa, supplemented with vegetables, fruit, nuts, grains, kernels and seeds. The vegan diet is naturally very diverse. It is very important to pay close attention to getting enough of, among other things, proteins, iron, calcium, iodine, selenium, omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins B12 and D. Vitamin B12 in particular is not always easy to get enough of and this vitamin is therefore often supplemented by vegans.

The benefits of vegan eating

More and more scientists and health experts are talking about plant-based food, as more and more studies seem to show that people who eat plant-based food often grow older in a healthier way and have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. However, it is not yet entirely clear whether this is only due to the plant-based diet, or whether it is also due to the healthier lifestyle that vegans generally have. Of course, the biggest advantage for vegans is that it spares animal suffering and animal lives. Veganism is also much better for the environment. On average, one piece of beef requires as much water as a month of showering! The animal industry is one of the biggest polluters in the world. After all, land has to be used to grow animal feed and to keep the animals themselves. If we only grew food that is suitable for humans, it would be much less harmful to the environment. Moreover, veganism is generally a very healthy lifestyle. Of course, there are also vegan cookies, fries and chips, but eating more plant-based products does have a positive effect on your health. You also become much more aware of your lifestyle and learn to cook, eat and live differently, which can greatly enrich your lifestyle.

Supplements for vegans

As already mentioned, it is extra important for vegans to ensure that they get enough essential nutrients. A balanced plant-based diet with sufficient variation in whole grains and legumes usually contains sufficient proteins and calcium, although it may be advisable to supplement these nutrients if you are unsure whether you are getting enough. In any case, it is recommended for vegans to supplement vitamin B12. However, did you know that people who eat meat and fish can also have a deficiency of this vitamin? After all, the deficiency is mainly caused by the fact that we live much cleaner than before, which means that there is practically no vitamin B12 in our (polluted) drinking water and plant-based food. The reason that people who eat meat are less likely to have a deficiency is because many animals in livestock farms are now given vitamin B12 supplements to stay healthy. After all, their feed and drinking water are also becoming increasingly cleaner, which means that the meat of these animals also contains less and less vitamin B12. Cyanocobalamin is the best-researched form of vitamin B12. You can find it in theVitamin B12 Sprayfrom Ergomax, theVitamin B12 Sprayfrom Pure Advantage andVegan B12from MegaFood. TheMulti for Menand theMulti for WomenMegaFood also offers great supplements that are suitable for vegans.