MegaFood One Daily
One of MegaFood's most well-known and best-selling products is the MegaFood One Daily line. This daily multivitamin comes in several varieties, including the One Daily for children, One Daily without iron or One Daily for men or women over 55. MegaFood's One Daily multivitamins consist of concentrates made from natural, fresh food sources such as carrots, oranges, broccoli, brewer's yeast and more. Thus, the MegaFood One Daily line offers real nutrition in tablet form, helping your body stay healthy by providing it with important nutrients.
Natural vitamin
MegaFood's vitamin supplements are made with high-quality, natural ingredients. In MegaFood's formulations with food state vitamins, no artificial substances are added, and in addition, the natural interplay between the nutrients in the product ensures their proper absorption by your body. Ergomax has a wide range when it comes to food state vitamins. For example, there are vitamins specifically for pregnant women or specifically for men, women and children. MegaFood's vitamin supplements contribute to keeping your body healthy and fit in a natural and responsible way!
MegaFood free of glyphosate
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup®, is the number one herbicide used worldwide. It is commonly used on conventionally grown and genetically engineered (GMO) crops and, unfortunately, it is still commonly used in private gardens, public parks and schools. Glyphosate is not selective and thus kills not only "weeds," but also other plants and organisms. Worse, residues of it often remain on the plants that are then eaten by us. The World Health Organization's Agency for Research on Cancer has even classified glyphosate as "probably carcinogenic in humans." MegaFood is committed to and to banning glyphosate worldwide and is taking action in a variety of ways. MegaFood is the first supplement company in the world to make products that are glyphosate-free. The certification was granted by the Detox Project, an independent research organization. MegaFood voluntarily cooperated with the project and had its products tested by an independent party.