Weston A. Price as a source of inspiration
In the 1920s and 1930s, Weston A. Price, a pioneering dentist and researcher, traveled the world to study traditional diets and eating habits. In Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, his famous book on the subject, he describes how in Switzerland, the butter from cows grazing in the spring was revered. According to Price, this was because the cows ate fast-growing grass during this period, which made the butter made from this "spring milk" richer in vitamins. He discovered a previously unknown substance in the butter, which he named Activator X, later renamed vitamin K2. Further research showed that this substance is mainly found in butterfat and fermented cod liver oil, and also demonstrated that there is a synergistic relationship between these two animal fats. These findings by Dr. Weston A. Price are the founders of Green Pasture's unique product line, which includes butter oil, fermented cod liver oil and unique blends of these two oils.
Concentrated Butter Oil from Green Pasture
Butter oil is centrifuged butter in which the oil has been separated from the proteins, making it more digestible. Conventional butter oil is often heated, but Green Pasture's butter oil is produced without heat, which means that nutrients are better preserved. For a long time, the family-run Green Pasture produced its own butter oil by raising cows on pastures with fresh, fast-growing grass and milking them on-site. This milk was then centrifuged into high-quality butter oil. However, due to its successful growth and increasing demand, Green Pasture decided to partner with a leading farming company in Argentina so that they could continue to meet the growing demand without having to compromise on quality.
Unique fermented cod liver oil
The use of fermented seafood has a long history in many traditional cultures and has played an important role in the health of those cultures. Green Pasture honors these traditions by using the same age-old fermentation method to extract cod liver oil, making it unique as a company. Without the use of synthetic additives, the livers are mixed with salt and broth, then left to ferment for several months before the oil is extracted. Green Pasture cod liver oil products are proudly Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified, thanks to the sustainable and modern fishing techniques of Green Pasture’s exclusive seafood partner Alaskan Leader Seafood.
Natural essential fatty acids
Green Pasture is the only company in the world to use an age-old, traditional, very mild fermentation technique for its cod liver oil products, which makes it possible to avoid the use of heat and to retain the natural antioxidants in the oil. Green Pasture's cod liver oil is continuously tested by independent third parties and meets all modern requirements for quality and purity. The company also strives to work according to a sustainable approach where possible and also sets the highest standards in terms of quality and environmental protection when selecting its partners. Green Pasture Products has a partnership with the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) and has received the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) quality mark for its premium quality Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO), an eco-label that has only been awarded to a handful of fish oil companies worldwide.