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Walkabout Health Products

The mission of Australian brand Walkabout Health Products is to educate people about the special properties and benefits of natural emu oil and to help them achieve a better quality of life through nutrition. In 2009, Elizabeth Schlinsog and her husband Dr. Will Schlinsog began researching emu oil and when they discovered that emu oil sold in the United States was often highly processed and refined, they decided to start selling the oil themselves. Working with specialist farmers in Australia, they now supply superior emu oil that is unadulterated, effective, packed with nutrients and omega fatty acids and characterized by the highest biological activity. Walkabout emu oil is an exceptionally rich source of vitamin K-2 (MK4), as well as other vitamins, antioxidants and omega fatty acids. Walkabout stays as close to the source as possible by processing the product minimally and striving for pure, good quality oil that is free from allergens, hormones, pesticides and other chemicals.

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2 products


Emoe Olie - 118 ml - Ergomax
Emu Oil - 118 ml Sale price€94,95
Emoe Olie - 100 capsules - Ergomax
Emu Oil - 100 Capsules Sale price€84,95

Ancient source of vitamin K2

Emu oil is a good source of vitamin K2 (MK4), an important nutrient that was abundant in the diet of our ancestors, as nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston A. Price discovered when he traveled the world in the 1930s to study the diets of traditional peoples. He was impressed by the good physical, moral and spiritual health of the Aboriginal people, the indigenous people of Australia. They were free from chronic disease, had strong bodies and minds, and their women gave birth to healthy children generation after generation. Dr. Price discovered that primitive diets such as that of the Aboriginals were rich in micronutrients and contained at least ten times the fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin K-2, compared to a typical American diet of his time. In particular, the healthy fat from marsupials and emus has been a popular food source for Aboriginal people for centuries.

The special composition of emu oil

Emu oil, also known as emu oil, is rich in various healthy fats, vitamins and antioxidants. It is not without reason that the oil has been used for centuries in the traditional medicine of the Aboriginals. The oil previously made a worldwide advance as a skin care beauty product and is now also increasingly known for its other properties. The combination of omega 3, 6, 7 and 9 fatty acids, including oleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid gives the oil its unique effect. Emu oil is also rich in vitamins A, D3, E and K2 (MK4) and the Emu Oil from Walkabout is unadulterated, which means that nothing has been changed in the natural oil. This allows the ingredients to work synergistically and cofactors and other important natural components are retained.

Pure quality from nature

Walkabout Emu Oil is of superior quality. The oil comes directly from emus that have a pure genetic pedigree and are kept with great care and attention and nothing is added or removed from the oil. This makes the end product a natural product that has been processed as little as possible and is free of hormones, allergens, antibiotics and other chemicals. Due to the attention to quality, the oil is also characterized by a high biological activity and has the same pure composition as the Australian oil from wild emus traditionally used by the Aboriginals.

Kept with care and knowledge

The emu, like the ostrich, belongs to the order of ratites and is the largest native bird in Australia. Emus are smaller and lighter in size than ostriches and can run up to 50 kilometers per hour. They have a thick layer of fat reserves on their backs that are full of nutrients, which allows them to survive for a long time in the wild without water or food. Walkabout only works with emu farms in Australia that have done a lot of research into emus in their natural environment. This allows them to provide the animals with the care they need, provide them with the right food and offer them a good living environment. The emus can roam freely in large pastures on the farms and are kept in a natural way, which means that there are no vaccinations, antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides or other chemicals. The emu farmers learned the age-old tradition of refining emu oil directly from an Aboriginal elder, which ensures the natural synergy, purity and composition of the oil.