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When you are expecting, you naturally want to take the best possible care of yourself and the baby growing in your belly. Did you know that the health of your baby is already influenced by the health of you and your partner before it even started growing in your belly? The many generations before you have also influenced your genes. It clearly shows that the choices you make now are essential for the generations that follow and how important it is to strive for a healthy lifestyle, especially during pregnancy. In addition to the basics of healthy nutrition, exercise and sufficient sleep, you can opt for supplementation to supplement your diet. This way you can be sure that you can provide extra support to your body, which is working hard during pregnancy and the phase of breastfeeding that may follow. Ergomax has an extensive range of pregnancy vitamins in its assortment, from natural pregnancy vitamins to an extensive multivitamin specifically composed for this phase. Pregnancy is a special phase for both men and women, take good care of yourself and each other and enjoy it to the fullest!

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10 products


Extra Virgin Kabeljauw Levertraan - Vloeibaar - Ergomax
Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil Sale price€43,95
Omega-3 Krillolie - Ergomax
Omega-3 Krill Oil Sale price€23,95
Extra Virgin Kabeljauw Levertraan - Softgels - Ergomax
Baby & Me 2™ - Zwangerschapsvitaminen (Kruidenvrij) - Ergomax
Doctor's Best - Fully Active Folate - Quatrefolic®
Probiotica - MegaFlora® Baby & Me - 30 miljard units - Ergomax
Folinezuur - Zuigtabletten
Folinezuur - Zuigtabletten Sale price€24,95
Prenatal - Essentiële Voedingsstoffen - Methylvrij - Capsules - Ergomax
Female Enhancement Mixture - FEMM
Sold outOptimal Prenatal - Capsules - Ergomax
Optimal Prenatal Sale price€69,95

What happens in the body during pregnancy?

We all know that pregnancy causes all kinds of changes in the body and that it is an intensive phase in which the body is working hard. Especially in the first three months of pregnancy a lot happens, even if you don't see it that much on the outside. In this phase the uterus grows, your heart rate and breathing accelerate and the blood volume increases. The pregnancy hormone HCG reaches its peak and the most important thing is that the fertilized egg grows into a fetus of about 7 centimeters in this period, with all the important organs and body systems already in place. In the second trimester your baby develops further and the belly also starts to grow in shape and size. For many women it is the most enjoyable phase of pregnancy, as the chance of a miscarriage is much smaller and pregnancy complaints decrease. In this trimester you often feel your baby kick for the first time! The last trimester is the hardest for most women. Your baby grows fastest in this phase, which makes your belly bigger and your body more difficult. Your baby produces more fat, can open its eyes and because the brain grows quickly, your baby can regulate its own body temperature. From week 37, a baby is considered full-term. Because the delivery is now approaching, this is also often the most exciting phase.

Staying healthy and fit during your pregnancy

During the nine months of pregnancy, a lot is asked of the female body. Pregnancy is a period in which the mother directly supplies the building blocks to the baby. By eating healthily, living consciously and getting enough rest, you ensure that your body receives the necessary fuel and building blocks and remains in balance. What your child receives in the first thousand days of its life, counting from the fertilization of the egg, partly determines the health of your child for the rest of its life. Nutrition is therefore just as important for your body as for that of your child. Nutrients such as iron, vitamin A, choline, folic acid and the omega 3 fatty acid DHA are essential for an expectant woman. Exercise helps you to stay mentally and physically balanced and is a good preparation for childbirth. When you go into labor with a fit body, this often has advantages for the course of the labor itself.

Supporting pregnancy with natural supplements

In addition to eating a varied diet of vegetables, fruit and legumes, you can also choose to take natural pregnancy vitamins. This way you can be sure that you are getting enough nutrients. Pregnancy vitamins act as a kind of safety net: if you do not get enough of a certain nutrient through your diet, you will still get it through the supplement. Ergomax has a number of pregnancy vitamins in its range that are specifically aimed at the period of pregnancy. For example, think ofBaby & Me™ - Pregnancy VitaminsandBaby & Me 2™ - Postnatal Multivitaminsfrom MegaFood,Optimal Prenatal - Capsulesfrom Seeking Health.

What to look for in pregnancy supplements?

There are many different types of supplements to choose from when you are pregnant. From natural pregnancy vitamins to herbs or a targeted multivitamin. Pregnancy and choosing a supplement: it is not always easy. What makes a pregnancy supplement a good product, what should you pay attention to? It is important that certain nutrients are present in sufficient quantities in the supplement. For example, it is recommended to take 400 mcg of folic acid daily. You can start with this from the moment you want to have children and are trying to become pregnant. Folic acid contributes to tissue growth during pregnancy. Furthermore, 10 mcg of vitamin D3 per day is important to support the skeleton and teeth.