People & Nature
From our vision on health, we believe it is important to be as aligned with nature as possible in our actions as a person and as a company. We do this by investing in sustainable business operations and we look wider. A sustainable interaction between people and nature remains extremely important, not only for the short term, but especially for the long term. So that our children and grandchildren can also live on this earth. Ergomax contributes to this by supporting three special charities: Survival International, Stichting Aap and the Liliane Fonds.

AAP Foundation
Animal welfare is still under great pressure. The AAP Foundation stands up for exotic animals that do not live a life worthy of an animal due to harmful human actions such as illegal trade, private ownership, exploitation in entertainment or research. The AAP Foundation improves the welfare of apes and other mammals in a sustainable way. Neglected animals receive the professional care they need, so that they can be animals again and are eventually rehomed in a suitable place where they can spend the rest of their lives in good conditions.

Oasebos Foundation
Oasebos buys pieces of rainforest in Costa Rica to protect them sustainably. The rainforest is the oldest and most species-rich ecosystem in the world. More than half of all rainforests on earth have disappeared in the past 50 years due to logging and other human interventions. Preserving our tropical rainforests is of vital importance. Thanks to the support of almost 150 committed donors, Oasebos has been able to purchase and protect approximately 200 hectares of rainforest in recent years. Oasebos has so far purchased 4 pieces of rainforest in Costa Rica. El Salto, Copalchi, Cano Curenita and El Cerrito.

Liliane Fund
The Liliane Fund wants to give children and young people with disabilities in poor countries a fair chance at a better life by allowing them to participate as fully and equally as possible. At home, in games and sports, at school, at work and in the community in general. Children with disabilities who grow up in poverty often have limited access to education, health care or the labour market. They are hindered by their disability, but also by social exclusion. The Liliane Fund improves the quality of life and future prospects of these children. The Liliane Fund does this together with local partner organisations.

Survival International
Survival International is an international movement for the rights of tribal peoples. The organization helps these tribes defend their existence, protect their land and determine their future. Survival International stops loggers, miners and oil companies from destroying the habitats of these vulnerable groups and lobbies governments to recognize tribal land rights. In this way, tribal peoples are given a platform to communicate with the world. Survival International has achieved over 200 successes since 1969. Unfortunately, their work is still desperately needed.