What are the differences between vegetarianism and veganism?
Although there are clear differences between the two lifestyles, the two are still often confused by some people. A vegetarian chooses not to eat the meat of animals, but can eat animal products, such as eggs, milk, cheese, yoghurt and other dairy products. Moreover, vegetarianism usually does not go much further than adjusting eating habits and although many vegetarians choose this lifestyle out of compassion for animals, there will also be those who do it purely for health reasons. Veganism is different. This lifestyle goes further than just nutrition. A vegan is always someone who consciously chooses this lifestyle out of compassion for animals and who adjusts his lifestyle as much as possible to avoid the exploitation of animals. Of course, there can also be religious reasons for not consuming animals. In particular, in religious beliefs that are based on the theory of reincarnation, adherents often eat vegetarian or vegan.
The benefits of vegetarian eating
More and more scientists and health experts are talking about plant-based foods, as more and more studies seem to show that people who generally eat plant-based foods often age healthier and have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. However, it is not entirely clear whether this is only due to the plant-based diet, or whether it is also due to the healthier lifestyle that vegetarians and vegans generally have. Of course, the biggest advantage for vegetarians is that they save the lives of animals and that this lifestyle is better for the environment. On average, one piece of beef requires as much water as a month of showering! The animal industry is one of the biggest polluters in the world. After all, land has to be used to grow animal feed and to keep the animals themselves.
What nutrients does a vegetarian need?
It is sometimes thought that vegetarians do not get all the nutrients and that it is therefore an unhealthy lifestyle. However, it is not at all true that a vegetarian lifestyle is poorer in nutrients by definition. On the contrary! As a vegetarian, you can get all the nutrients you need to lead a healthy and active life. It may take a little more effort to balance the menu in the beginning, but fortunately there are countless recipes, books and other tools available for this. Vegetarians must therefore take into account their eating pattern in order to get all the necessary nutrients in the right proportions, but this also applies to someone who does eat meat. Most vegetarians are very conscious of their diet and often have a very rich nutritional intake.
Supplements for vegetarians
As already mentioned, it is extra important for vegetarians to ensure that they consume sufficient essential nutrients. However, with a balanced vegetarian diet with sufficient variation in whole grains, legumes, proteins and calcium, there is no reason to worry about this. Therefore, no specific supplements are recommended for vegetarians. In some cases, for example for young children up to 4 years old, women who want to have children or who are expecting, people who follow an extreme diet, elderly people with stomach or intestinal problems or for people who eat too little and too one-sided, certain recommendations do apply. If you want to take supplements as a vegetarian, it is nice to know for sure that these supplements are also vegetarian. For that reason, we at Ergomax have created this separate category for vegetarians. All products in this category are guaranteed vegetarian, so that you as a vegetarian can confidently find the supplement that suits you!