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Probiotics are food supplements containing beneficial bacteria that occur naturally in the human gut. The digestive tract is one of the most complex of known ecosystems. Consider that the human body is made up of 10 times as many bacteria cells than human cells. A grown person carries about 1-2 kilos of intestinal bacteria in their intestines at any time. In view of the prominence and importance of these bacteria in the body, which are increasingly well-documented in scientific research, taking a premium probiotic supplement offers a sound foundation for overall health.

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10 products


Prescript Assist - Probiotica (nieuwe formulering)
Sensitive Probiotica Poeder - Smidge™ (voorheen GutPro) - Ergomax
Sensitive Probiotica Capsules - Smidge™ (voorheen GutPro Capsules) - Ergomax
Infant Probiotica Poeder - Smidge™ (voorheen GutPro® Infant) - Ergomax
YeastBiotic™ - Probiotica Capsules - Smidge™ - Ergomax
Gutsense - Probiotica - Ergomax
Gutsense - Probiotica Sale price€42,95
Probiotica - MegaFlora® Baby & Me - 30 miljard units - Ergomax
Sold outProbiotica - Gefermenteerde Kefir - Ergomax
Probiotics - Fermented Kefir Sale price€43,95
Sold outProBiota HistaminX
ProBiota HistaminX Sale price€44,95
Sold outProbiotica - Megaflora® - 20 miljard units - Ergomax

What Does a Probiotic Do?

The gastrointestinal tract is a highly complex ecosystem containing a vast array of microorganisms. Your intestinal flora weighs, on average, about 1.5 kilograms. The balance and diversity of beneficial bacteria in your gut are crucial for your vitality. Probiotics are used to support this balance and diversity.

What to Look for in Probiotics?

Probiotic capsules may contain a few bacterial strains or a wide variety of bacterial strains. It is important that the strains in the product are stable and can reach the gastrointestinal tract intact after ingestion. When buying probiotics, always choose bacterial strains that have well-documented effectiveness and are safe for use. It's also preferable to select a product that includes both probiotics and prebiotics.

Are There Any Disadvantages to Probiotics?

There are no disadvantages to using probiotics. If you experience stomach discomfort when taking probiotics, consider starting with a lower dosage. Sometimes, your stomach needs time to adapt to the fibers or bacteria. This is a positive sign. Of course, a healthy lifestyle, diet, relaxation, and sleep are the foundation of health and vitality. If you want to further support your health, consider one of our excellent probiotic products.

Probiotic Capsules with Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria

Different types of probiotic capsules with various bacterial strains can vary in their effects. We are always available to provide advice when you wish to purchase probiotics for a specific purpose. Common bacteria include various types of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. In general, probiotics are best taken with a meal. The number of bacteria per probiotic capsule should ideally exceed 1 billion and is always indicated on the label.

What Is the Best Probiotic?

There are probiotic types for various purposes, and our range includes different brands for various target groups. For example, we are very proud of our own Ergomax fermented kefir capsules. You can also select a probiotic supplement from MegaFood specifically designed for women or children. We offer unique products like BrainBiotic™ Probiotic by Natural Stacks or the comprehensive synbiotic product Terraflora™ by Environmedica.

Buying Prebiotics and Probiotics at Ergomax

Are you looking for a good probiotic or a combination package of pre- and probiotics? Then, you are in the right place at Ergomax. We supply probiotic dietary supplements in the form of capsules and powders for adults, women, mothers, and children. Our supplements are gluten-free and lactose-free. For optimal effects on your gut flora, we recommend taking a probiotic and a prebiotic simultaneously. Do you have questions about taking probiotics? Feel free to contact us!