What is Cod Liver Oil?
We asked nutrition scientist, biochemist, and seaweed expert Toine Wilke to explain cod liver oil to us. Many people think that cod liver oil is made from whales and consider it a smelly substance. Many (grand)parents used it to get through the winter. But cod liver oil is not outdated; it's also entirely contemporary! The abundance of nutrients is a valuable addition to our Western diet. Fortunately, cod liver oil is usually made from cod. The liver of this fish, which we often eat as "lekkerbek" or "kibbeling," is rich in healthy oil. This oil is extracted from the liver using various methods. What remains is cod liver oil.
The natural product contains good fats
Cod liver oil consists mainly of two healthy fats: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These are two omega-3 fatty acids that the body can hardly produce on its own. They are found only in large quantities in seafood like sea fish and seaweed. When you get enough EPA and DHA, you nourish the body from the inside in an evolutionarily responsible way. DHA is a miraculous, ancient, and irreplaceable molecule in many living beings, especially in humans with their developed brains. That's why it's also recommended to eat fish twice a week. For people who don't do that, omega-3 dietary supplements or cod liver oil are a good alternative.
Buying Cod Liver Oil with Vitamins A and D
All-natural oils also contain fat-soluble vitamins. In cod liver oil, you will find significant amounts of vitamin A and vitamin D. Vitamin A is good for your skin, eyes, growth, and immune system. Vitamin D, on the other hand, is responsible for strong bones and teeth, among other things. Often, these vitamins are added back to regular cod liver oil products because they are lost during industrial production. Natural cod liver oils, such as those from Green Pastures and Rosita Real Foods, do not contain added artificial vitamins. These cod liver oils are minimally processed and therefore contain all-natural nutrients and vitamins.
Cod Liver Oil Capsules Contain Phosphorus and Iodine
Cod liver oil also contains a lot of phosphorus and iodine. These minerals, like EPA, DHA, and all the vitamins, are essential nutrients. Phosphorus contributes to bone strength, and iodine is responsible for the production of thyroid hormone. Cod liver oil can be a good addition to our Western diet with all its healthy components. It is widely available in various forms and sizes.
Do you want to buy cod liver oil?
In our webshop, you can find not only liquid cod liver oil but also cod liver oil capsules. The advantage of cod liver oil capsules is that you don't taste the fish flavor. The Blue Ice cod liver oil capsules from Green Pasture or the Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil capsules from Rosita may be the best choice if you are looking for a natural cod liver oil product. You can also buy fermented cod liver oil from us.
Butter Oil Cod Liver Oil
Green Pasture also offers some unique combination products with Blue Ice™ Royal Blend Gel, a mixture consisting of one-third X-Factor™ Gold Concentrated Butter Oil and two-thirds Blue Ice™ Fermented Cod Liver Oil. Butter oil is an extract of butter with high concentrations of vitamins and fatty acids. The products are available in flavors like plain, cinnamon, mint, and chocolate. So, if you're not a fan of the taste of cod liver oil, choose one of these pleasant flavors.