Bioactive substances and extracts
Plant preparations or plant supplements contain bioactive ingredients that come exclusively from plants. Typically, these are concentrated extracts or isolated plant substances such as curcumin or resveratrol. Herbs can be a valuable addition to your daily diet and support health. Herbal extracts or nutrients act on specific or multiple body systems, tissues, cells, or receptors. Many natural supplements and dietary supplements contain herbs, either as a single substance or in a synergistic combination with other (plant) compounds, vitamins, and minerals.
History of herbal use
Many plants have been successfully used for centuries in various cultures around the world. Herbs have been and are traditionally used for various purposes long before modern medicine, for instance, emerged. Specific, isolated plant substances, however, have only been structurally researched for decades, and more of their effects in the body are being documented. Well-known traditions that extensively use herbs include Ayurveda from India and traditional approaches in China.
Active Herbs or extracts
In herbal medicine, plants or parts of plants are used. Herbal preparations can be made from berries, cherries, stems, seeds, bark, roots, or bulbs, for example. The herbs in our range are 100% natural and are recognized and used by the body in biological processes. The active ingredients come exclusively from plants, usually in the form of concentrated extracts or isolated plant substances. This is indicated on the label as "standardized to." In the case of turmeric, for example, it could say "standardized to 95% curcuminoids."
Effects of botanicals
The special and physiologically active effects of plants make them a widely used remedy. Herbs and their molecules are, therefore, a fascinating area of research. Despite the great variety of herbs, the effects of herbs in general have been extensively described. The earliest descriptions date back to ancient times from all parts of the world. For example, on the clay tablets in ancient Sumer in Mesopotamia, in the ancient Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, in the Atharva Veda, the Rig-Veda, and the Sushruta Samhita of Ayurveda, and in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, the Shennong Ben Cao Jing. Even writings like the Historia Plantarum and the Materia Medica by A.D. remained authoritative references on herbs for over 1,500 years, up to the seventeenth century. In the early modern period, from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century, the use of herbs also flourished in Europe.
Safety and effects
Herbs can be taken for a variety of purposes, such as supporting healthy sleep and relaxation, digestion, respiratory health, or cholesterol levels. Importantly, with herbs, the substances should be effective and not pose a risk of toxicity. Herbal dietary supplements are safe to use. However, always read the product information carefully, including with regard to interactions with, for example, medications. We offer herbs in various forms in the webshop, including tablets, capsules, powders, and tinctures.