The kidneys are located at the back of the body, behind the lower ribs and have several important functions in the body. They remove waste products, ensure that there is just the right amount of fluid and salts in your body, regulate your blood pressure and produce hormones that ensure sufficient red blood cells and strong bones. They are therefore very special, important organs that you need to live, because they purify your body of harmful substances by filtering the blood, allowing waste products and fluids to leave the body. On the kidneys are two small triangular glands known as the adrenal glands. The Latin name for these glands, adrenes, is, like the Dutch name, a combination of ad, which means 'on' or 'at', and renes, which means 'kidneys'. Every person has two adrenal glands and the main function of these organs is to produce a number of hormones in response to stress situations, including adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol. Androgens such as testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and androstenedione are also produced in these small glands.